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Language & Culture 2023 International Museum Day at Chuncheon National Museum”

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작성자 Mera
댓글 0 Comments 조회 5,242 Views 작성일 23-05-18 23:57


“2023 International Museum Day at Chuncheon National Museum”

Greetings to you everyone!

Marking the  “2023 International Museum Day '',  let me take you to one of the well-curated museums in South Korea, Chuncheon National Museum, which is located in the capital of Gangwon Do-province Chuncheon. It was launched in 2002, with the aim of indicating and promoting the typical form and characteristics of the regional culture and history of Gangwon-do. It comprises various sections of halls, Such as the Permanent Exhibition  Hall, Brand Hall, Special Exhibition Hall, and Outdoor Exhibition space. The museum showcases the histories and cultures of Gangwon-do from the prehistoric era to modern times. The main building of the museum reflects its architectural beauty, which apparently looks built in conformity with nature. For its architecture, it was selected as “Best Architecture of the Year” by the Korean Institute of Architects in 2003. 

Other sections of the museums are such as the museum’s cafe and digital cafe. The immersive Digital cafe consists of a digital tour, which shows vividly, various natural endowments and graces of Gangwon-do. Visitors are able to drive all the way to the museum since the premise has free parking lots with available parking capacities of 165 vehicles. Of course, the charge for entrance is free of charge, serving visitors from Monday-Sunday, except every Monday and holidays red-marked on the calendar. According to data figures, the museum has a serving capacity of 50 people per hour with a daily capacity of 400 people.

Near the Chuncheon National Museum’s premises, there is a Children's Museum, which was established and opened in  2021 under the slogan “Children & Nature”. These facilities reveal the attention to the purpose of history: knowing the past, and studying the present, helps forecast the future. Chuncheon Museum is one of 104,000 museums worldwide, which are in existence and dispersed across the world, among these 61% are owned by Europe and North America as of March 2021.

The theme for the 2023 International Museum Day edition (May 18) is” Museums, Sustainability, and Well-being”. Museums are key contributors to the well-being and to the sustainable development of our communities.  

Source: Statista, Statista:

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