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Social Time Flyers

페이지 정보

작성자 Jess Deytiquez
댓글 0 Comments 조회 8,006 Views 작성일 22-09-01 15:11


“We are time flyers, climbers who ascend time.”

I remember this kind of scenery, of silent and empty stairs, with the same lyrics on the subtitles flashing across the screen, as I watch the cover of Yurisa in YouTube of the song “Nandemonaiya”, which is, if you know it, the song of the popular Japanese anime movie “Your Name”.

I was grateful for seeing this fond sight in Hallym University, in one of my daily search for peaceful places in the university, for just like other beautiful things, it made me pause and wonder. It made me pause and wonder, about how we are really like people who flies through time and even space, who ascends further and further, into the infinite mount of time where maybe, just maybe, we shall find the true happiness we are all searching for all of our lives with all of our efforts, with all of our breathing.

“Just a little bit more.”

Two years. For now, as a graduate student in my first semester in Hallym University, two years may seem a long time to wait and persevere to earn my degree: it may seem like a mountain too high to climb. But I know that it may turn someday into “just a little bit”.

But short or long, I think does not really that matter; beautiful things can be ephemeral and long at the same time, like the sight of fireworks, of sunsets, of a kiss of love, which can feel too short or too long at the same time as the temporariness and eternity of everything is revealed at these meetings in the middle. 

It may look like a very long time for now, but someday, I may look back with fondness to the time I spent in this fond university.


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