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Social Gorgeous views from the Namsan Cable Car

페이지 정보

작성자 Hazel
댓글 0 Comments 조회 7,810 Views 작성일 22-09-18 22:28


Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice weekend!


During Chuseok I went to Seoul to meet my family who came from the Philippines to see me. We tried to squeeze in as much of sight-seeing and bonding within 7 days and I would like to share one of my favorite memories from that week. We decided to see the famous view from the N Seoul Tower or Namsan Tower. My family and I are fond of watching KDramas and there have been multiple references to Namsan Tower, which piqued our interest to visit. We queued for over an hour just to wait for our turn to ride the cable car but I have to say that the time we waited was well worth it. One thing that I can’t help but think whenever I look around me since I got here was that how architecture here in Korea has harmoniously blended with the natural landscape.


I hope you are all safe and healthy and I hope to see you again in my next post!


P.S. The two photos I have attached are the photos I took while inside the cable car - on the way to the tower and on the way back down.


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