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Health & Wellness "Surviving winter in Korea-1"

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작성자 Merhawi
댓글 0 Comments 조회 6,226 Views 작성일 22-12-21 02:59


Surviving winter in Korea?

Which city and month in Korea are the coldest in the country?

Hello Everyone!

Real winter seems to be starting and will last from December to early March. How are you treating it? These days’ temperatures are dropping below 0co.  As data from reveal “Mountainous areas of Korea experience some snowfall, relatively the southern part and coastal regions which experience little to no winter snowfall”. The Hyesan is located in the coldest area of Korea, with approximately negative 42co. The province Gangwondo is also a region that observed the hardest perhaps, -18Co. January is the coldest month in Korea.

Well, to cope with the winter cold temperature there are various mechanisms being used. The first one is the (Ondol heating) hot water pipes that are installed beneath the floor to heat the rooms up, so if the room has got a pipe hot water facility, once you turn on the heat button on your wall beside the door, it will be started automatically. 

There are also some boxes like simple devices attached to the wall that emit warm temperatures to heat the room up. It has min, max, and medium levels of heat.  

Foods to enjoy during winter as recommended by  #thereshegoes are such meals  as—warm stews and soups such as Galbitang, Kimchichige, Dubuchige, Beyodaguitang, and Pajon. And street foods like Ddeokbboki, Egg bread, Hotteok, Roasted or boiled sweet potatoes, and Fish bread are recommended for the winter season. I have attached some of the winter meals I’m enjoying these days like Kimchichige, Budechige, and Doinjanchige.


Stay healthy and warm up!

Source: Google, there she goes, Trazy Korea



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