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Language & Culture The Rhythm of Chuncheon

페이지 정보

작성자 Sengsouriya Pho…
댓글 0 Comments 조회 7,381 Views 작성일 21-10-16 19:26


Living in Korea for a year I didn’t have much chance to join any club because of the tight study schedule and due to the covid-19 situation. However, two months ago during the semester break, I have been joining the choir group called the Rhythm of Chuncheon. On the early day of choir group recruitment, I didn’t apply to join the group because my characteristics were a little bit shy in singing or dancing but convincing by my friend so I decided to join later. After becoming a member of this group I can realize that It was worth more than expected. 

The Rhythm of Chuncheon is a choir group that gathering of foreigners and Koreans who are working and studying in Chuncheon more than that it was a group of people loving in singing. Furthermore, you should be able to come to practice every Saturday with the professional conductor at Chuncheon Culture and Art Center or sometimes we practice in the building of Chuncheon City Construction. Our first two songs that performance at the last music festival namely Holo Arrirang and I have a dream. To be part of these activities is not only healing my mood after suffering from a stressful, anxiety attack and homesick syndrome but it is also made me proud of myself that once time, I ever served something back to Chuncheon City, Korean government particularly. Moreover, I can challenge myself and made it to be great memories that I can bring back home when I have to depart from this city and this country.

Currently, our choir group is practicing regularly to prepare for the next event of the City in the short future. If you are a person who lives in Chuncheon and is interested to join our group you can following in Facebook fan page called Foreigners of Chuncheon. Become a member of the Rhythm of Chuncheon, it is not about how good your voice is but It is about the togetherness of the rhythm and feeling into the song. Additionally, you can get a lot of friends who came from a different country.


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