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Language & Culture Renting a room in Korea

페이지 정보

작성자 Zolboo
댓글 0 Comments 조회 7,261 Views 작성일 21-11-09 20:15


In mongolia, native nor innative people do not matter to rent home. We all do not have to do to deposit just every month requires to pay. So It seems easy to find a home. However, in Korea is little different. Foreigners have to have deposit plus monthly payment money. So it means we need to know that cannot come just have monthly money. Usually deposit is between 2.000.000~5.000.000 for 1room,2room and villa. When 2 side agreement is over able to take deposit. While renting without any breakdown takes full deposit. Agreement of rent is at least 1 year and up to. Before ending period chargers some money as well. So this is my experience living in korea about home rent.


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