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Social The Island with Many Faces

페이지 정보

작성자 Brenda Nakanwag…
댓글 0 Comments 조회 9,216 Views 작성일 21-11-10 00:09


Nami Island is a recommended tourist attraction to visit during fall season. It is famous as a shooting place for the Korean drama “Winter Sonata”. My friend and I recently visited this island and we were amazed by the beauty in this place. The beautiful scenery created by diversely colored trees gives this island an entirely unique outlook. We stood still at the entrance of the fairytale Island, absorbing its beauty and simultaneously wondering which path to take first as we began our adventure. We finally made our way to a nearby pond that harbored ducks. They swam through so calmly and not even our presence could distract their mission. A sweet melody attracted us to the song museum which we soon left as we wanted to get a feel of the entire island in just a day. 

Walking through a path formed by the trees that created a perspective view point, we made it to the park. I enjoyed the adult swing as well as watching families making long lasting memories through games, picnics, and picture moments. I was finally able to see the pink grass and enjoyed a picture moment as well. I can’t forget to mention Korean Hotteok. The Sonata Café is always a busy place where everyone lines up to get a taste of the Hotteok, I could not resist it either. I tried Hotteok for the first time and it was amazing. I recommend that you try it when you visit this Island. Much as we toured the whole island, we have so many places that we didn’t visit (UNICEF Lounge) and some that we gave little attention they had much more to offer. When planning a trip to Nami-Island, please go very early in order to enjoy a full experience and much more.




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