Social Brunch with My Coursemate
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Hi everyone! Do you find time to go out with your course mates, friends or colleagues at work? If no please find time to go out, it’s very important. Moving on, Dana is my coursemate from the Philippians, I have known her for more than one year now and I must say she is really a friend indeed. She always makes out time to explain some school work I don’t understand in class, whenever I call her, she is always there to assist me. We always find out time to visit places and discuss things outside school work and have some fun. So last Christmas we decided to have brunch at the Green Board Café located at 35-2 Geumchon-ro, Dongnae-myeon, chuncheon-si. Meehn, that place was nice during Christmas they has lots of charismas decorations and beautiful natural plants. You can get smoothies, café, tea, cakes, bread, lots confessionary. So, I had blueberries and banana smoothies with sandwich bread while Dana had mango smoothies with cake. As we were leaving, we took some pictures. It was just few days to Christmas and we had fun. I would recommend you to go there. I’m always happy to be with my coursemate.
Thank You.
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