Tech How to Find KDrama Locations
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Who else finds themselves hooked on Korean Dramas one series after another? I’m sure many of you are nodding now and thinking, “Yup. That’s me!”. Same here! KDramas have become an influential factor in drawing worldwide attention to Korean culture, entertainment, music, and fashion. Along with that, it also attracts tourism because many fans come to Korea to visit popular drama locations! Back in 2017, a Filipina influencer, Ana Gonzales, shared her travel experience to Goblin, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, and Legend of the Blue Sea locations on her Instagram. (Read it here:
Living here in Korea makes me feel so lucky that I can visit these places on a whim. My friends and I enjoy going to these drama locations and so we spend time researching these places. I’d like to share with you a few tips on how to look for these locations. One tip is to check this English website that gives details on the whereabouts of these drama locations. This website is called Korean Drama Land ( You can search locations by drama, by location type, by neighborhood, and even by subways station. When you click a location, it lists the dramas where the location appears, a few details about the place, its address (in English and Korean), geolocation, and a short description of directions. What I like about this website is that it is updated, with details on current KDramas.
Another tip is to follow fellow foreigners living in Korea who post about travel and Korean pop culture on Instagram. Some who I personally follow are @wanderwithjin, @callmemakeu, and @clarissaacindy. You can also follow an account especially dedicated to posting KDrama locations - @kdramalocation. My final tip is for the ones who can understand a bit of Korean (or have the patience to translate the content in Papago J). This is to use Naver Search instead of Google. Type the Korean title of your favorite show followed by the Korean word for “filming location”, “촬영지”– ex. 스물다섯 스물하나 촬영지 (Twenty-five Twenty-one filming location). You will then be led to content from several Korean bloggers. These are usually very detailed, and you will surely encounter special tips from the locals!
So, there you have it! I hope these tips can help you explore and enjoy Korea more while you are here. Feel free to drop a comment if there’s anything else you want to know about!
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