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Language & Culture Celebrating Korean Children’s Day

페이지 정보

작성자 Dana
댓글 0 Comments 조회 6,540 Views 작성일 22-05-06 18:51


          Children’s Day (어린이날) in Korea is celebrated every 5th of May. This is one of Korea’s important and meaningful public holidays. Its purpose is to remember to treat children as independent while valuing their dreams, happiness, and development. It was established in 1923 by a children’s literary writer, Bang Jeong-Hwan, who first used the word 어린이 or “children”. Originally, it was observed every May 1, but this was later changed to May 5 because it coincided with World Labor Day. 

         Koreans spend this day enjoying various fun activities for children like going to amusement parks and zoos, going on a picnic, watching movies, and more. During this day, families are really busy making sure that the children in their family experience an unforgettable day!

         This year, with the mask requirement outdoors already removed, this special holiday was already celebrated quite like pre-pandemic days as more facilities opened and welcomed families. According to the news, Everland amusement park was packed and crowded, Lotte World Adventure had dozens of families lining up in the early morning, and in Chuncheon, the first-ever Legoland officially open on Children’s Day! Indeed, it was an exciting day for both children and parents.

         How did you celebrate Children’s Day? As for me, I joined a picnic to finally meet the baby of my Filipina friend. The baby recently celebrated his 100th day with family and so we decided to have an afternoon the picnic at a park near their place, in Bulamsan Butterfly Park (불암산나비정원). We’ve actually been planning to go on a picnic since late 2020 but because of COVID-19 restrictions, it was only that day that we were able to finally push through! It was such a satisfying feeling being outdoors with friends, enjoying the cool weather, sharing one year’s worth of stories, and welcoming a happy child. The park was full of colorful spring blooms, laughter, and kids running around and blowing bubbles. I really had a wonderful time and because of that, I can say that my first Children’s Day activity is something that I will always remember!


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