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작성자 Frances
댓글 0 Comments 조회 7,931 Views 작성일 22-05-29 20:02


One of the three mime festivals in the world and one of the foremost artistic festivals in Korea, this festival began in 1989 and went international in 1995 with the participation of artists from around the world. The festival sees performances held across the entire city of Chuncheon, in both indoor and outdoor spaces, focusing on the festival's annual theme based on water and fire. The program’s participatory nature means that visitors get to enjoy the festival in a more intimate manner. This year’s own has been on since the 22nd of May and it will run until 29th of May 2022. But I got to attend the festival on Saturday with my friends and it was fun. We arrived at 8pm and got our ticket for about 20,000won. Everywhere was so fun and decorated with fire. Also, there where section where we could get food and drinks. This was one of the best sections I enjoyed with friends and we got pizza, chicken beer and the rest. There was a lot of fire dance and magic sceneries.  I enjoyed my Saturday evening very well.


Thank You.



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