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Food & Drink Hello Taco Bell!

페이지 정보

작성자 Jessie
댓글 0 Comments 조회 3,962 Views 작성일 24-03-14 17:19


While waiting for my number to be called for the Hello Jadoo event. I went outside of U-Plex to search for an aid to my grumbling stomach (haven’t eaten my lunch yet and the daylight is already burning out fast). I then saw the sign “Taco Bell” immediately across the street—a popular place I never tried before even at my ripe age. Instantly, I was compelled to try it out, drowning the horror stories about such place prevalent in the internet that resided at the back of my mind (mostly about the food making you poop more and harder?) The food was quite good though the serving size is a little bit small for me (I eat a lot!). I also saw the machine dispensing different kinds of beverages unfettered by the desk dividing the cashier and the customer—I can do whatever I want as confirmed by the cashier! I then proceeded to fill my cup with a quirky mixture of all the soda flavors. It was like there were rainbow ponies dancing in my mouth. I then needed to use the toilet some time afterwards, but not due to the poop nightmares coming true, but because of my bladder—thanks “free” beverage dispensing machine! I was gladdened then by the discovery of an available and clean toilet beside the restaurant. A beautiful pairing if the rumors were true if you ask me! Challenging the likes of Batman and Robin, Tom and Jerry! Looking back now, I confirmed once again the wisdom in not letting fear bar you from trying new things (the poop nightmares didn’t happen even afterwards). XD



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