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Social Visiting Alpaca World

페이지 정보

작성자 Hazel
댓글 0 Comments 조회 4,654 Views 작성일 24-03-21 00:26


Hello everyone!

For today's community post, I would like to share my experience of visiting Alpaca World here in Gangwon Province. My son and daughter are very fond of animals and they convinced me to visit this park. It is quite easy to reach Alpaca World by taxi, but since it is quite far from Chuncheon, it might be a little costly. We arrived in Alpaca World at around 9:30AM and it is recommended to be there when it opens at 10:00AM so you could witness the alpacas running from their homes to the alpaca playground. This only happens once a day at exactly 10:10AM so make sure to be there at this time. The park keepers gave us pellets to feed the alpaca and the animals were very eager to eat and interact with the visitors. Some alpacas are more aggressive than others and I personally preferred to give food to the smaller alpacas in the group. The park also housed other animals such as the capybara, fennec fox, coati, guinea pig, deer, goat, squirrel, sheep, pony, and various avian creatures such as hawk, eagle, peacock, parrot, and owl. It was a very exciting and also very rewarding experience and I highly recommend it especially to animal lovers. 

I am a firm believer that animals should be in their natural environment, and I personally don't like zoos where animals are constrained in very small spaces. I can say that Alpaca world allows for the free roaming of the animals and they appeared to be well fed and well taken care of. 

There are options for meals within the park at reasonable prices so there is no need to worry about getting hungry after exploring. They also have a gift shop where people can purchase beautiful souvenirs. To get a ride back to Chuncheon, just inform the staff at the café or the gift shop that you would be requiring a taxi. It is very easy!

You may learn more about Alpaca World from their official website.

That's it for today's post. Enjoy the beginning of spring!


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