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Tech Chuncheon's Next Attractions

페이지 정보

작성자 Jessie
댓글 0 Comments 조회 3,205 Views 작성일 24-04-18 14:41


Change and constancy are what make our world, and so, it is no wonder that even places changes too while some remains. 

A couple of examples for this in the case of Chuncheon is the installation in the Chuncheon Underground Market of a new robot buddy that usually can be only found in airports or museums. It was fun interacting with it as you stop it while it wanders around the place like a wandering puppy, and it can also take selfies with you! I think this is another way to make people happy and wonder at the prowess of technology as children, office workers, and even the elderly frequent the underground market. In addition, I saw people installing pretty lights above the Myeongdong area, with geometric version of chickens accompanying them—the city further embracing the dakgalbi reputation! I have not seen them in action yet. But both looking forward to!



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