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Food & Drink I like rainy day because of kimchijeon!!! Do you know kimchijeon?

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댓글 0 Comments 조회 3,165 Views 작성일 24-04-24 17:40



Yesterday was a rainy day. On such rainy days, Koreans often prepare 'buchimgae,' a traditional Korean pancake-style dish made by mixing various ingredients into a batter of flour or rice flour and frying it flat. This dish typically utilizes ingredients such as vegetables, seafood, or meat, and its name changes based on the primary ingredient used. For example, using kimchi as the main ingredient makes it 'kimchijeon,' and using seafood makes it 'haemul pajeon.'

Buchimgae is simple yet rich in flavor, making it excellent to eat with various sauces, and is popular as an accompaniment to drinks, a snack, or even a meal substitute. Particularly in Korea, making jeon on a rainy day has become a cultural practice, enjoyed while spending time with family and friends.

Why eat buchimgae when it rains? There are several hypotheses: First, the sizzling sound made when frying jeon is similar to the sound of rain hitting the windows or roof, providing a cozy and homey feeling. This atmosphere is perfect for people to gather and enjoy food warmly together. Second, the oil used in making jeon is thought to absorb moisture, helping to warm the body and adjust the humidity on damp days. Third, making jeon is a food preparation activity that encourages social gathering, making it a good social activity for family and friends to bond over on rainy days. For these reasons, making dishes like kimchijeon on a rainy day has become a beautiful part of Korean culture.

Among these, I chose with well-fermented kimchi, flour, and eggs mixed into a batter and fried flat. Kimchijeon, with its distinctive spicy flavor and crispy texture, is one of my favorite foods.

An indispensable pairing with kimchijeon is 'makgeolli,' a traditional Korean fermented rice wine. This beverage is made by mixing rice, water, and nuruk (a fermentation starter rich in yeast and enzymes). Makgeolli is typically cloudy and white, with a sweet and slightly sour taste. Makgeolli has long been beloved by farmers as a refreshing drink during work and is known to aid digestion due to its beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Nowadays, it is popular across various age groups not only for its health benefits but also for its unique taste and aroma. Makgeolli is commonly found in Korean restaurants and bars, often served with traditional Korean food.

Especially, the combination of spicy and salty kimchijeon with sweet and tangy makgeolli creates a perfect harmony. Enjoying kimchijeon and makgeolli together is one of the traditional ways Koreans enjoy a meal while having pleasant conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. This pairing not only enhances the taste of the meal but also provides a special cultural experience.

If you find yourself feeling gloomy on a rainy day, I recommend trying kimchijeon and makgeolli.


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