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Social The importance of being well versed in English in the modern times

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작성자 tom123
댓글 0 Comments 조회 4,215 Views 작성일 24-04-24 18:05


The English language and its prevalence across the entire globe need no introduction. English is the most widely accepted language throughout the whole world, which means that it is a must for you to learn this language. Knowing the English language has multiple benefits and it can actually prove to be really beneficial for your academic as well as professional life.

This blog aims to give you some logical reasons about why you absolutely need to learn the English language in the first place; and even if you know this language, you must try and improve your grammar and vocabulary.


English is necessary in day to day life

As already discussed above, English is one of the most commonly spoken languages ​​in the whole world. This therefore leaves us with no doubt that this language is being used daily in almost every industry, and amongst people from all age groups. English has therefore become a pre-requisite to effective communication with one another. If you are not well versed with the language, you will have great difficulties in working in multi-national companies, and with foreign clients, wherein you can only and only communicate in English.

If you are unable to speak and understand English correctly, you will end up messing up orders and instructions, and thus end up with incorrect work. Therefore, you must undertake all possible efforts to improve your English, even if you happen to be a native speaker if this language.


A good command over the language improves your academic life

At times you will find yourself ready to attempt an academic assignment, and will also possess adequate knowledge about the same; but you will end up being unable to write your assignment. Assignments need to be written in proper English language, and if you don't have a command over the language, you will not be able to articulate your thoughts well. Consequently, the teacher or checker will be unable to understand what you want to express, and in the end, you will be left with poor grades.

Brush up your vocabulary and the simple rules of grammar; so that when you sit down to write an assignment, you are at least aware of the words that will express your thoughts, and not make silly mistakes.


English is a must to crack job interviews

Every company, when offering its job description, will always specify that it wants good communication skills in its employees. This is because employees and workers in an organization necessarily need to possess good communication skills in order the smooth functioning of the organization. In a scenario where the employees cannot do so, communication would not flow freely, and there would be chaos all around in the organization.

You must try and show your communication skills right from the time when you appear for the interview. Even if you have a very sharp brain and are very smart, you will not be able to crack the interview if you cannot communicate well with the others.


English is a global language

The importance of learning English lies in the simple fact that it is a global language, and thus almost every person in every corner of the world knows at least some basic English. As a global citizen, you will find yourself in situations wherein you have to communicate with people who do not belong to your native community, and cannot speak your native language. It is English that comes to the rescue in such situations, and helps you to understand what the other person is speaking, and also share your own thoughts and ideas. Such situations arise when you are studying in a foreign land, are working in an MNC, or are simply traveling to some far off areas.


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