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작성자 Sajitha
댓글 0 Comments 조회 6,363 Views 작성일 23-04-13 04:37


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 By Sajitha Lakmali


Caring for the elderly is a priority in almost every country in the world. But what I am going to share today is a different experience. An experience I had when I went to a Woori bank in Chuncheon for my necessary work. Scientific tests around the world have found that our vision weakens to some extent as we age. In Sri Lanka, we refer to this as "40 Adiriya". 

We have often seen moments of interest in the elderly during World Elderly Day, which is dedicated to the elderly. But when I went to the aforementioned bank, I saw that if a visually impaired person came to the bank to do some transactions or if an elderly person forgot his spectacles by mistake, the bank kept a pair of glasses for them to do their transactions temporarily. 

The way We are very interested in our elders, but we miss doing some small things for them. In Korea, there are many services for the welfare of the elderly. Even if we say that each country is developed through physical matters,I realize that spiritual matters are more important in a similar way. Although we respect our elders in Sri Lanka, the rulers should think more about the elders when making policies. I hope to bring you another reason to think about elderly people's care in a podcast.


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