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Health & Wellness "Preventive measures for the recurrent wildfires in Korea”

페이지 정보

작성자 Mera
댓글 0 Comments 조회 5,712 Views 작성일 23-04-14 16:03


Hello everyone!

Today I want to share some thoughts on the current problematic issue amid windy spring weather.


We are living in a world where some natural and uncertain atmospheric behavior prevails. Situations explicitly warn us to adopt a risk management system for counter-protecting damages such as the climate change crisis. Climate crises are precipitated by several uncertain factors, such as wildfires which are becoming a recurrent occurrence these days in Korea. To achieve this, a risk perception should be well communicated among all stakeholders and experts including the public.

We have been exposed to news about consecutive wildfire occurrences in Korea recently. A point in case, as the Korea Times report, “President of South Korea Yun Seok Yul designated before yesterday (12/4/2023) that Gangneung, a coastal city as a special disaster zone after it experienced a wildfire on April 11, which caused one death, 649 people evacuate and burned 379 hectares of woodland”. The wildfire in Gangneung is the second disaster in just a month in April, next to the one which occurred in Mount Inwang, central Seoul on April 2, which left some 120 households evacuated unintentionally.

Hence, it is advisable to be aware of the public particularly who are situated around fire-prone areas like cable rooms, transformer units, auxiliary transformers, oil tanks, etc.

 Preventive mechanisms can be: 

  • Making sure the vehicle operating in fire-prone areas installed a spark arrestor on the exhaust, or establishing a system for checking whether the vehicle has installed a spark arrestor before letting it enter such a risky field.

  • Installing smoke detective aggressively in the designated fire-prone areas

  • Conducting regular check-ups for probable smoke signs, especially during fire seasons, 

  • Setting a controlling system in seasons when the fire is deemed to break out, posting 

cautious messages for  tourists for due care

  • Separating the populated areas from fire-prone areas

We can therefore cope with the changing nature and reduce the risk of damage by applying preventive practices. 

Have a safe week!


Source: The Korean Times, Google

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