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Language & Culture Ethiopian students pursuing their education in South Korea have taken …

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작성자 Mera
댓글 0 Comments 조회 4,595 Views 작성일 23-06-21 13:08


Ethiopian students pursuing their education in South Korea have taken active measures to promote their country's rich culture and remarkable tourist destinations.

Established on March 20, 2021, the Ethiopian Students Association in Korea (ESAK) has played a pivotal role in fostering academic and social connections among Ethiopian students studying in Korea. With a strong commitment to facilitating various platforms for collaboration with educational institutions in Korea, ESAK aims to enhance the overall educational experience and cultural exchange for Ethiopian students.

ESAK also strives to seize every opportunity to showcase Ethiopia's vibrant culture and captivating tourist destinations. As part of this endeavor, ESAK was invited to participate in the commemoration of "African Children's Day" organized by "ChildFund Korea" on June 16, 2023. During the event, ESAK showcased the traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony, accompanied by delectable Ethiopian bread (Dabo) and a savory snack (Kolo). 

Additionally, banners, postcards, and various cultural artifacts were displayed, captivating the participants who were gathered at the heart of Seoul. The coffee, bread, and snacks received resounding praise and left a lasting impression on all those in attendance.

The members of ESAK, including its dedicated leadership, proudly adorned themselves in traditional Ethiopian attire, further exemplifying their commitment to preserving and promoting Ethiopian heritage.

ESAK has consistently upheld its mission to promote Ethiopia in South Korea through active participation in various events such as festivals, gatherings, and tournaments. The association remains steadfast in its determination to continue representing Ethiopia's cultural richness and to further strengthen the bonds between Ethiopia and South Korea on multiple platforms.


Source: ESAK



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