International Community for National Disasters Korean Expat Community for National Disasters


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“Korean-Ethiopia friendship at 2023 Chuncheon International Marathon”

“Korean-Ethiopia friendship at 2023 Chuncheon International Marathon”

Recorded by Merhawi



“Korean-Ethiopia friendship at 2023 Chuncheon International Marathon” Hello everyone! Let me share my running experience in Korea. I used to watch running race games since I was young. I sometimes do jogging and simple aerobics as part of my health and physical fitness. I had been learning taekwondo and stopped at Green belt. The exposure I had to taekwondo was to Korean ex-pats living in Ethiopia 10 years back, this, in turn, contributes to exercise at least for my health. I was also exposed to sports when my father used to talk about his sporting experience and used to do simple flexibility with me and took me to a big stadium like a grass field to see sports activities such as soccer. Fortunately, I came to Korea in February 2022. Some days later after my arrival to Korea, I had to get a haircut and so I met my countryman friend who lived in Korea for some years and went to find a barber shop around Hallym University. After roaming roughly four kilometers we found one around Hyoja-dong, met the barber man aged about the 60s, and welcomed us and exchanged some greeting information. He asked about our home country's name and replied to him, Ethiopia. He mentioned some facts about Ethiopia and Korea, one was Marathon, he is quite interested in Hiking and running, we could see pictures of him having medals, and at higher altitudes and pictures of him standing at a pick of some mountain here in Chuncheon on the wall of his barbershop. We were amazed by the hiking skill of the barber man and talked about running competitions in Korea, and he reminded my friend about Chuncheon, Seoul, and other marathons. My friend is interested in running so he has been looking for news about marathons. He came across a notice of the chuncheon marathon and informed me on how to register and participate. I registered online and got my parcel (containing the marathon shirt and a terms and conditions flier) after a month of registration. I participated in the Chuncheon international marathon last Sunday, October 23, 2022. The gunshot at 9:21 for full-course marathon runners announcing the start message and run till Sixteen Kilometers start to feel energy loss and saw a snack tent-like shop that serve ‘’Tteokbokki” and ‘Hot Dog” approached the shop and asked if they are serving free because it seems for free. I left my wallet inside my bag at the marathon’s temporary store and didn't think I would get to shop and buy. Moreover, I can't see any notification posted so when they replied to me it isn't for free then a runner enjoying his ‘’Toboki” called me and invited me for his treat and I didn't hesitate to accept, we enjoyed the snack while chatting and ended up the race together helping cheer up each other for the next 23 Kilometers. We both came alone to participate before we met but we finished the marathon together. I’m grateful to this Korean man for his Kindness in treating me and cheering me up till the finishing gate. We did practice friendship as friendship is one of sporting and marathon’s usual values. I’ve shared pictures above about our participation in the marathon race. See you next 2023 “Chuncheon International Marathon”.


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