International Community for National Disasters Korean Expat Community for National Disasters


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Birds in chuncheon falling from the sky?

Welcome to episode one of the podcast!

Recorded by Michael



Hello and welcome back to the podcast. I’m your host Michael, hoping you had a great a Chuseok! On todays episode We’re gonna talk about birds passing out on the streets of Chuncheon! And my thoughts on why it has been happening. And… did you know that skyscrapers can melt cars? Yes! Buildings can definitely melt a parked car! And more..please stay tuned! So Apparently this was a thing a couple of weeks ago. Cause it seems like we are approaching fall or 가을 as the Koreans call it. The temperature is getting low so you may no longer be able to observe this phenomenon. But during the pick the summer birds were falling from the sky. The small ones to be exact. And it was disastrous. It kind of seems like it has something to do with global temperature increasing in my opinion but who knows maybe it’s just how it is during the summer. They were usually observed around areas where cars were parked and also under trees. Some campus students at Hallym university speculate that the birds passed out in the middle of search for water or shade to cool themselves off. I personally saw one on my way to Gangwon university. It was after I crossed the junction at the 성심로 traffic sign board. And there was this little bird completely not injured or harmed in Any physical way. But was not conscience. I didn’t have water to pour on it in case it made it active. There was a convenient store 50 feet way from me in the opposite direction but I was in a hurry so I sadly left the bird alone at the spot. I took some videos of it as a memory but I was not able to watch after I get back home. It’s just going to stay on my phone. the saddest part is the fact a portion of this is could been avoided. And that is if my speculations of the birds passing out is due to global temperatures rising. In some countries not only does heat plays a role in reducing the number of birds but also the shape of buildings. If a building is highly reflective and mostly curved inwards, then it is capable of acting as a giant heat focusing lens in the city. This phenomenon could burn the wings of birds accidentally flying close to the focal point of the buildings lensing effect, making the birds drop from mid flight and leaving them unconscious. Which brings me to the topic, do you know some buildings can melt parked cars? The same lensing effect mentioned earlier could burn cars down. It insane isn’t it? I once saw this news on CNN a guys car (left side only) just melted like candle within the span of 40minutes. Good thing he was not sleeping in the car or else he could gotten in a serious medical problem. Thank fully he was in the opposite building having a meeting with his boss. Moral of the story.. keep the earth green and safe. And think 2 steps ahead when designing anything for humanities improvement but also with other species in mind. Thank you for precious time, I will meet you next time and cut..


Total 100 cases, page 11.
