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Air Quality Notifications

One thing that I appreciate in Korea among numerous other things is that the people are always informed and inform themselves about the current air quality. Like for an example, even before the pandemic, if there are a lot of fine dust in the air, they are advised to wear mask, which they follow. Meanwhile in my country such idea of wearing a mask because the air quality is not really observed. One factor that I can think of is many Filipinos struggle just to make ends meet, and buying and wearing a mask for something that cannot be easily perceived like air quality, may be just another financial burden for them, hence the problem also of mask wearing during the pandemic. 

On the other hand, does lesser warnings about air quality in the Philippines mean that it has better air quality than South Korea? I don’t really know. Another factor may be the prevalence of air quality testing device in a country. Of course, if South Korea have more of such device in every part of the country, it is no wonder if it measures high levels of fine dust than a country that has less of those, like the Philippines. But of course I don’t really know that much about the density of such devices. Which country has more or prioritize such. 

Nevertheless, we can be thankful for the blessing of knowing how to protect our health everyday and do also our own contributions of course in return to improve the quality of the air that we breathe—after all, beside water, it is air that makes our planet alive, and perhaps, the only one that was blessed with such in the vast expanse of the universe. So that’s it. Let’s keep taking care of our health, and the health also of others, and the planet that we live in. Thank you for listening. And see you next time. I really hope you have a good day ahead of you. Once again, thank you. 

Recorded by Jess

March 20, 2023


One thing that I appreciate in Korea among numerous other things is that the people are always informed and inform themselves about the current air quality. Like for an example, even before the pandemic, if there are a lot of fine dust in the air, they are advised to wear mask, which they follow. Meanwhile in my country such idea of wearing a mask because the air quality is not really observed. One factor that I can think of is many Filipinos struggle just to make ends meet, and buying and wearing a mask for something that cannot be easily perceived like air quality, may be just another financial burden for them, hence the problem also of mask wearing during the pandemic. On the other hand, does lesser warnings about air quality in the Philippines mean that it has better air quality than South Korea? I don’t really know. Another factor may be the prevalence of air quality testing device in a country. Of course, if South Korea have more of such device in every part of the country, it is no wonder if it measures high levels of fine dust than a country that has less of those, like the Philippines. But of course I don’t really know that much about the density of such devices. Which country has more or prioritize such. Nevertheless, we can be thankful for the blessing of knowing how to protect our health everyday and do also our own contributions of course in return to improve the quality of the air that we breathe—after all, beside water, it is air that makes our planet alive, and perhaps, the only one that was blessed with such in the vast expanse of the universe. So that’s it. Let’s keep taking care of our health, and the health also of others, and the planet that we live in. Thank you for listening. And see you next time. I really hope you have a good day ahead of you. Once again, thank you.


Total 100 cases, page 9.
