International Community for National Disasters Korean Expat Community for National Disasters


페이지 정보


looking after our mental health


Recorded by mugoli joceline



As measures to restrict movement as part of efforts to reduce the number of people infected with COVID-19 increase, more and more of us are making huge changes to our daily routines. The new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues take time to get used to. Adapting to lifestyle changes such as these, and managing the fear of contracting the virus and worry about people close to us who are particularly vulnerable, are challenging for all of us. They can be particularly difficult for people with mental health conditions. Fortunately, there are lots of things that we can do to look after our own mental health and to help others who may need some extra support and care. Here are tips and advice that i hope you will find useful. • Keep informed. Listen to advice and recommendations from your national and local authorities. • Social contact is important. If your movements are restricted, keep in regular contact with people close to you by telephone and online channels. • Alcohol and drug use. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink or don’t drink alcohol at all. Don’t start drinking alcohol if you have not drunk alcohol before. Avoid using alcohol and drugs as a way of dealing with fear, anxiety, boredom and social isolation. • Screen time. Be aware of how much time you spend in front of a screen every day. Make sure that you take regular breaks from on-screen activities. • Social media. Use your social media accounts to promote positive and hopeful stories. Correct misinformation wherever you see it. • Help others. If you are able to, offer support to people in your community who may need it, such as helping them with food shopping. • Have a routine. Keep up with daily routines as far as possible, or make new ones. Such as  Get up and go to bed at similar times every day.  Keep up with personal hygiene.  Eat healthy meals at regular times.  Exercise regularly.  Allocate time for working and time for resting.  Make time for doing things you enjoy.


Total 84 cases, page 13.
