International Community for National Disasters Korean Expat Community for National Disasters


페이지 정보


My Quarantine Experience

In Daejeon City

Recorded by Brenda Nakanwagi



Fourteen days seem like a short time when you are running day to day errands and achieving daily targets on a typical day. However, try staying in one room for fourteen consecutive days, two weeks will seem like a month. I quarantined in an apartment in Daejeon City. This being my first time in Korea, I was thrilled by the Korean food that occupied my lunch and dinner. I tried several Korean dishes but came to love Kim-pap; it is my favorite until now. On some days the food would be so new and difficult to eat. I spent most of my evenings by the window watching the sunset and people returning home from a busy day. This was always my favorite part of the day. Unlike Uganda, Korea is an exceptionally quiet place. Listening to my own breathe, I couldn’t help but miss the chanting of little children that can’t seem to cease even in the quietest places of my country. The long days were soon eased by Korean classes and other assignments. I always looked forward to the basic Korean classes where I learnt new words and phrases that kept me busy. Despite the tremendous experiences, I also went through some uncomfortable ones like staying with all my rubbish from daily use for the entire period, missing walks and exercises. After the entire period, I had gained three extra kilograms due to lack of more engaging activities. I can’t forget to mention my constant efforts to retain good mental health. These fourteen days can take a toll on someone’s mental and physical health, but they can also be a great opportunity to pick-up new daily habits for positive living. Therefore I advise anyone who will soon go through quarantine to prepare interesting books to read, find an online course to take during that time, signup to an online yoga class or learn some new indoor exercises, ensure to fellowship with friends and family virtually and plan to have healthy foods during that time for example fresh fruits and vegetables.


Total 84 cases, page 11.
