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“World Meteorological Day”

페이지 정보

작성자 Mera (183.♡.221.78)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,016 Views 작성일 23-03-31 04:07


“World Meteorological Day”

Hello Everyone!

Let me say some sentences marking “World Meteorological Day”.

World meteorology day gets recognition globally on the 23 of March. This year’s world Meteorological day is remembered by the World Meteorology organization situated in  Geneva, under the theme of  “The Future Weather, Climate and Water across Generations”.

The importance of remembrance is not questionable because it’s the institution which the risk assessment process gets information from. Extreme weather events such as climate change are causing more frequent and severe extreme weather events, like hurricanes, floods, and droughts, which result in loss of life and property damage.

Something I admired was that various types of precautious notifications of both simple and higher catastrophes caused by climate change were predicted and communicated to everyone who is grabbing a cell phone in Korea for consideration and precautions, particularly precautions of typhoon last October 2022, which is not the case back in my country. The meteorology update we get officially back home is from mass media such as Television and radio weather programs. The weather change forecast communication can not only be done by the communication institution but also with the help of a meteorological institution; thus it’s important to remember and campaign for reinforcing the sophistication of meteorological institutions.

I just attached a weather notification screenshot that was taken when it came out to appear on my phone’s screen last week from the meteorology eventually from the city hall.

Its English equivalent from Papago is presented as follows:

“[The Korea Forest Service and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security]

Due to the continuous dry weather, the National Crisis WarninG Stage for Forest Fire Disaster is being issued. Please pay attention to the prohibition of incineration in areas adjacent to forests and management of embers.”

Have a great spring week!


Source: The Korea Forest Service and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Google, Papago



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