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World Mental Health Day

페이지 정보

작성자 Merhawi (220.♡.156.122)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,327 Views 작성일 22-10-10 20:30


Hello everyone! 

Today October 10 is World Mental Health Day.

Marking this day I would like to share some discourses related to both disaster and mental health. Our world is vulnerable to both natural and artificial disasters. There is also a tie between preparedness and mental health. 

If mental health is enhanced, preparedness for disaster also increases. Again preparedness behaviors can positively affect mental health. Consequently, prepared feelings may enhance efficacy and reduce feelings of anxiety & hopelessness. 

Hopelessness and lack of motivation to prepare for a disaster are associated with depression. Social cohesion is also associated with mental health symptoms. Higher social cohesion is related to a decrease in mental health symptoms like depression.

Well-assessed interventions should be in effect in the pre-and post-disaster periods so as to avoid mental health problems. Psycho-social education and clinical interventions as well as Rehabilititaions plan considering the social cultural contextual setting of the affected community should be implemented.


I wish you all a peaceful mind!

Source:  Welton-Mitchell, C., James, L.E., Khanal, S.N. et al. An integrated approach to mental health and disaster preparedness: a cluster comparison with earthquake affected communities in Nepal. BMC Psychiatry 18, 296 (2018).

J Family Med Prim Care, 2019 Oct; 8(10): 3090–3095.

Published online 2019 Oct 31. DOI: 10.4103/jfmps.jfmpc_893_19



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