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Getting Driver's License in Korea

페이지 정보

작성자 Zolboo (223.♡.78.224)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,116 Views 작성일 23-04-11 22:34



(This is not my driver's license)

Some of country citizens can their driver's license change directly into Korean drivers license. But for me it's not possible. But they said if you have a driver's license in your country you have to prepare some documents and take only paper test. Which means if I success on only paper test I don't have to take driving test. I can't change my driver's license directly but it's better than taking all the exams. So I prepared my documents went to health check place succeed on that and took a first written exam. I failed...

I really wanted to take it again but you can take once a day. In Chuncheon driving test center is pretty far from where I lived. So it's pretty hard to get there everyday. I didn't go there for few weeks prepared for written test. Then I went there and took English test. I took Korean one before so I thought I would understand them more. But I failed again...

Even I prepared I failed twice. So I didn't think about it for few weeks again. One day I took a test on application I realized I don't have to think deep just choose an answer while imagining I'm driving in reality. I did good on the application. I went driving test center and took a written exam.

Finally, I succeed on my third try. I was really happy. If you guys want to get a driver's license in Korea first ask them if you're available to change your driver's license directly. If it's not possible ask them about documents that are required. Good luck^^. I hope you guys will succeed on your first try.


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