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My 14 days quarintine in Korea

페이지 정보

작성자 Zolboo (106.♡.0.110)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,494 Views 작성일 21-09-16 15:06


Hello! I’m Zolboo from Mongolia. I came Korea to study for Master’s degree and learn Korean language. I’ve been here for almost 2 years. I want to share my story that why I said almost 2 years and what happened to me because of Corona.

First of all, I’m a student who learned English by myself. Which means my English isn’t that good. So I hope you guys can understand what I want to say. I arrived here on December 2019. And studied Korean language about 3 months. Back then there was no Corona virus in the beginning of my study. After I went to Mongolia to change my visa status I was watching how Korea handling Corona Virus. In Mongolia almost all the people weren’t wearing masks because there was 0 case in Mongolia. And I wanted to come back to Korea but I couldn’t overpass since there was 0 case they wanted to keep it. After few months I was able to come to Korea. Then I was in shock Korea was handling people too well who are in quarintine. They sent me food, some household goods and thermometer. I didn’t even need anything to buy from outside. Spending 14 days alone in small oneroom is not easy but Korea made it comfortable.

After I came to Korea which means after few months Corona started growing. And it keeps increasing. Now there are 283,495 people who are diseased by Corona virus. For me Korea is handling this disease very well.


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