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Since covid19 spread rapidly...

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작성자 Zolboo (59.♡.158.47)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,594 Views 작성일 21-11-05 15:44


My hometown Ulaanbaatar. A year ago Mongolian Government closes everything for example, cinema, concert, comedian show, airplanes, cargo etc... still some of them are closed. As a result, people could not work, which is cannot make money. This summer 2021 many people protested in the central of UB. Cause of that many women and children abused by their parents or disappeard suddenly... because they could not go to school and go out with friends. All they do is stayed home. Cannot go to work causes less money, less money causes alcoholic people. Alcoholic people could do negative aspects.


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