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Knowing the air quality in South Korea is easy!

페이지 정보

작성자 Ewonny Ttito (14.♡.13.93)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,571 Views 작성일 21-12-11 12:16


The first time that I started to go through the streets of South Korea, and specifically, places in Chuncheon, I saw some big equipment located in different places such as in the interior of the subway, close and below to the train tracks. At that moment I was not sure if these were part of the equipment to measure the air quality and neither that Korea has several locations where the government evaluates the air quality to which people are exposed, especially during the period whit a lot of pollution because of yellow dust nor increase of the particulate matter. 

For that reason, I started to review more information on official websites and I found out interesting data about the different points where are evaluated the air quality, so I would like to recommend that you could access this page of the Ministry of Environment of Korea where you can see how is the air quality in real-time in the different places that you are planning to go:, and if you need review additional information related with this topic, you could enter to this website of the AirKorea: AirKorea 



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