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being a student during covid.

페이지 정보

작성자 JOCELINE (210.♡.44.125)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,294 Views 작성일 22-04-26 16:12



We all know the effects the pandemic had on the world economy as well as how people function in society. Without a doubt, the pandemic has caused difficulties for everyone, affecting their lifestyles, work, school and how they interact with others. As for a university student living in korea, I would like to express that the situation is not as terrible as other parts of the world. The way that the Korean  government is dealing with Covid-19 is admirable, the fact that the government is not forcing harsh restrictions, rather enforcing that people go through the necessary daily interactions whilst keeping everyone safe. The government also encourages everyone to stay at home.

Schools are holding online classes as a way to adapt to this new pandemic situation. Online teaching system has been way more effective than I expected. This system is certainly new for me as I never took any other online class. At first, this online lecture system feels weird because I can't interact directly with my professor or my classmates, but after a few days, I think both the professors and the students have adapted to this online lecture through zoom. I, for one, was initially excited about the online only option for many reasons. This online lecture system gives me as a student more flexibility because I'm in my own house, so I don't need to walk to the next class or I don't need to go to the cafeteria to have lunch at lunch break. I miss actually getting to see everyone’s face. It is harder to make friends … with online learning, you can’t see many people

However, the pandemic drastically decreases our social activity as it is harder to meet other people amid the spreading virus in korea. This pandemic situation changes a lot of my lifestyle such as refraining myself from going out and start to cook my meals every day. On the positive side, since I mostly stay at home and cook my meals, I manage to decrease my monthly expense.

For me, the biggest enemy of this new lifestyle is boredom. Yes, if we spend most of our time in the room every day doing the same things again and again, we could hit the limit where we become exhausted from all of the class and assignment. So, to deal with this problem, I think it's important to have your mean of entertainment for yourself. For example, looking for a new hobby, or learning new interesting matters that you like, playing games, talk to your friends through online means, or many more. Luckily, I found my new hobby which is cooking! Since I began to cook all of my meals by myself since the pandemic hits. Sometimes I also like to combine this cooking hobby with my photography hobby and take pictures of my food.

I hope this pandemic will be over soon and everything could be normal again. For now, the best thing that we could do is to  stay healthy. Stay safe guys!



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