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Air Pollution

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작성자 Zolboo (210.♡.248.81)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,324 Views 작성일 22-05-06 12:01


Air pollution causes from many different situations such as lack of green plants, a lot of industrial facilities, gases from car, truck and bus, and dust. 

     In my opinion what countries have clear air is where trees had grown a lot country. I have allergy from dust and it is very difficult when its spring comes. Because in spring season has grown plants, flower, vegetables and so on, at that time I have terrible allergy so badly. In my home country which is Ulaanbaatar Mongolia. Capital city of Ulaanbaatar has bad air pollution because we do not have enough trees, somewhere trees has cut off by people. So, from different countries government helps us to grow trees. For example, South Korea have well-grown nature environment so that my allergies much better than I live in Ulaanbaatar. Everywhere looks green garden with beautiful flowers. I love it. 

     Absolutely, unwell grown plant country has industry, it causes air pollution. Grey bad smokes come from industries it effects to people health. Humans easily to get to have lung disorder. Where has many industries that proceed bad air pollution. Mongolia has ranking upper level of air pollution. Recent years, Korean people grow trees in Mongolia therefore Mongolians plant trees as well. I hope, we all hope years and years later Mongolia will have so much better clean air. Having pure air makes healthy lung people but not only that, there are so many aspects causes by clean air to grow well. 

     Lately, many transports and cars affects air pollution. Gasoline is a toxic and its burned contribute to air pollution for example, carbon monoxide and oxides and so on. However time goes by technology is also improves a lot. Nowadays, not little but people rides electronic cars which is made by Tesla. Tesla is made first e-cars.


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