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One kind of mental health issue during pandemic era

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작성자 Sengsouriya Pho… (121.♡.62.94)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,699 Views 작성일 21-10-21 11:44


The weather in S.Korea getting cold day by day and the common cold symptoms or seasonal flu also will come in this season. As we know that before the pandemic, a scratchy throat and stuffy nose were nothing to get alarmed about. Most of us experiencing these symptoms could assume we had a cold and power through. But now a day these symptoms can bring serious anxiety due to there’s a lot of overlap between symptoms of a common cold, the flu, and COvid19. And that is the clue of my stories begin, that time was my semester break, meanwhile, it was also my first trip to Seoul with my friends. We planned for city sightseeing and Soul tower. I was so excited about the trip but that day I felt I have got a common cold due to the weather being too cold.

My bad experience is happened on the train during traveling from Chuncheon to Seoul. I‘ve got a little scratchy throat, sneezing, and cough sometimes on the way to the trip. It literally disturbs me a lot since I have to hold back coughing or sneezing by not making it too loud and worrying about people will be misunderstood about me. I can be feeling those people around me will very worry about that due to worry and stress over the coronavirus. The fear of illness or death and the loss of a sense of personal safety can invoke feelings of anxiety. 

It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during the COVID-19 pandemic. As you know during the winter season many people easier get the common cold.   So, to avoid making people misunderstand about coronavirus infection you have to take care ourselves not get common cold easier and don’t go out in crowded people when you got common cold or when you got light fever. Here are some tips to help you not get a serious common cold easily.

During the winter season, the air cold at night will make to get a sore throat and develop the illness so using a humidifier could help reduce congestion. You also should have to eat healthy food and drink lots of fluids such as warm broths and soup, hot lemon/ginger tea. Well-balanced meals combined with exercise regularly. Getting plenty of sleep is crucial for keeping a good mind and healthy. 


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