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작성자 FRANCES AKUDO M… (14.♡.4.223)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,610 Views 작성일 21-10-24 19:46


Coronavirus disease has become a global pandemic which has caused havoc all over the world. Although, South Korea has been fighting so hard to control the spread of the virus. It is indeed a great achievement for the country and its citizens. As at today cases have really droped below 1,300 unlike the past months, this can not be compared to other countries. Fortunately, the vaccine for this virus came out. Furthermore, in Korea the vaccine is not compulsory but it is recommended by the government. The Korean Government hopes to vaccinate about 80% of it's citizens which is about 52 million people including immigrants. The vaccine schedule for immigrants is the same with the Korean citizens. Furthermore, people within the age bracket of (18-49 years old) are to register on a specific day based on the last digit of their birth dates which started from August 9th to August 18. Also those who missed their registration could register until September 17th. I was able to get inoculated by registering online through the KCDA( Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency) website, and was able to successfully  schedule an appointment  for the first dose of my vaccine for 29th of September. So in Korea, I  found out that there are 4 different types of vaccines that were approved by the Korean Government they include The Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Janssen which is not so popular. Few days before my vaccination, I was informed that I will get the Pfizer type of vaccine. I was vaccinated at Bomna Gymnasiam which is one of the biggest vaccination centers in chuncheon. Upon arrival I had to go through a lot of screening before I was given the vaccine. Also I was adviced to sit back and wait for 15 minutes to see if I would have any allergy reactions. Afterwards, I went home to take a nap. When I woke up, I noticed that my arm was heavy and a little painful. So I asked my coursemate who took her shot somedays before mine, she also told me she experienced same that it is the side effect of the vaccine so I was abit relaxed.
I hope you have been vaccinated or about to be vaccinated. Please let us try to take our vaccine so that we can reduce the spread of the virus.

Thank you.


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