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작성자 Khongorzul (112.♡.30.241)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,551 Views 작성일 21-10-16 20:10


2011.3.11 in Japan there is huge Tsunami happened. It was one of the 5largest tsunami disaster in the world. The magnitude was 9.0earthquake on that day. In Kesennuma people went to high ground and sadly they lost their beloved ones. Around 28000people died or missed.
2020.January in Australian forest had fired. It destroyed 5900~7000buildings, +3000home, people died at least 34 and more, also animals too. It was heartbreaking. Australia bushfire seasonal outlook noting exceptional dry conditions and a lack of soil moisture. It is hard to save the forest. During bushfire wheather was windy that is the one of the main point to spread fire quickly.
So what I want to say is we cannot control over the world and nature. Mother of nature is powerful and cannot control by anyone. So we need to careful what we do to nature do not set fire in the forest, do not throw trash to the oceon...  What we can do is love your nature and be kind ^^.


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