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It's Biking Season Again!

페이지 정보

작성자 Jessie (1.♡.30.107)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,227 Views 작성일 24-04-18 14:51


As the cold of the night or even day becomes gentler with the passing of Spring, I think it is now time to bring out our bicycles and feel the wind rush towards our bodies again! I guess I need not to remind anyone here how riding bicycles are better than other modes of transportation aside from walking when it comes to environmental impact—even the joy of riding one is good for physical and mental health also! But then, since we have not used them for a while, let us then first check them closely to ensure our safety and also to prolong their period of usability. Oil those gears, inspect and fill those tires with air, and see if the brakes and bells are still working! After that, enjoy riding, especially while enjoying the rolling and winding cycling roads of Chuncheon, especially those running along the river!



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