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How to handle stress

페이지 정보

작성자 김시원 (210.♡.241.131)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 230 Views 작성일 24-12-11 18:22


In modern society, stress is a common occurrence, and if not managed properly, it can escalate into more serious health issues. While everyone has their own ways of relieving stress, today I’d like to share my personal methods for stress relief.

1.   Singing upbeat songs at a karaoke.

I enjoy going to karaoke alone even on ordinary days, but I tend to visit more often when I feel stressed. By singing a mix of upbeat and slow-tempo songs for about an hour, I find that the heaviness in my heart dissipates, leaving me feeling much lighter and refreshed.

2.   Buying books from my online bookstore cart.
When I’m stressed, I often feel the urge to shop impulsively, which has led to regretful purchases of unnecessary items in the past. I realized that buying books is a more fulfilling way to channel this impulse. Since the books in my online cart are ones I’ve already shown interest in but hesitated to buy, there’s a lower chance of disappointment. Reading these books and discovering meaningful passages, or even copying them out by hand, helps calm my mind and brings me peace.

3.   Cleaning my room.
Cleaning not only removes accumulated dust but also lightens my mental load. During the cleaning process, I can focus on the task at hand and minimize idle thoughts, which is another advantage.



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