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The Umbrella Solution: Sustainable Dryness

페이지 정보

작성자 Jess (220.♡.155.56)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,061 Views 작성일 23-05-07 16:22


Perhaps one of the top contributors to the use of plastic during rainy days in Korea, I think, are the plastic bags for umbrellas that are usually dispensed by a machine in front of several establishments like libraries. This, I think, is to prevent water from getting inside, especially in the aforementioned example where moisture can threaten several items like books. While just installing an umbrella rack can be an alternative, with big establishments with a greater number of visitors this may not be possible.

I was lost for an alternative until one day. While I was in a cathedral, I saw an old lady with her folding umbrella tucked inside a regular plastic bag used for holding purchased goods. I then wondered if this can be also done by other people, especially with folding umbrellas—doing this with larger and not folding umbrellas may pose some challenge. But if they do, observing how much plastic is used once during rainy days, such may indeed make a difference.



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