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The use of reusable water containers to reduce PET waste

페이지 정보

작성자 Hazel (14.♡.13.161)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 1,561 Views 작성일 23-05-19 15:38


Good day everyone! 

Due to the increasing temperature in recent days, it is important to keep ourselves hydrated and safe from the heat. This week I would like to talk about my thoughts about the use of reusable water containers to reduce polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle waste in South Korea. Over the years, the Korean government has enacted several regulatory instruments to deal with plastic waste in the country. In 2020, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) announced a ban on the use of plastic that is hard to recycle such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and colored PET plastic bottles under the Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources. Violators of this regulation will be subject to the suspension of sales and the payment of penalties (Neo, 2020). Additionally, in January 2023, physically recycled PET bottles were approved as raw materials for the manufacture of food and beverage containers. At least 100,000 tons or 30% of plastic waste can be recycled as food containers (Neo, 2023). The recycling of used plastic bottles to new plastic bottles would reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce new plastics. Additionally, recycling these materials will lessen the contribution to solid waste that mostly end up in landfills and even add to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch - a floating collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean, created along the ocean currents (National Geographic, n.d.). According to the Ministry of Environment (n.d.), 86% of waste is recycled and used as other resources in Korea, and by 2030, the country aims to further reduce plastic waste by 50% and recycle 70% of plastic waste. 

As individuals, we can greatly contribute to these efforts to reduce waste by making use of reusable water containers such as tumblers instead of buying bottled water in convenience stores or grocery stores whenever we feel thirsty. Bringing reusable water bottles not only saves us money but also ensures that we do not add to the plastic waste generated everyday. I always make sure to bring my water tumbler whenever I go to class or whenever I travel to make sure that I am hydrated, but also to ensure that I am not producing any waste. I have included a photo of my favorite tumbler in this post. I have had this tumbler for a year now and I love that it keeps my drink hot or cold and it is very sturdy, too. 

Keep hydrated and stay safe, everyone!


Ministry of Environment. (n.d.). Land & Waste. Ministry of Environment. 

National Geographic. (n.d.). Great Pacific Garbage Patch. National Geographic Education. 

Neo, P. (2020 Jan 31). No colour, no PVC: South Korea bans hard-to-recycle plastic materials for F&B packaging. Food Navigator. 

Neo, P. (2023 Feb 08). Safe for second use: South Korea approves recycled PET as material for new food and beverage containers. Food Navigator. 


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