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Pokemon Cards! I Choose You (Again)!

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작성자 Deytiquez Jesus (1.♡.129.35)
댓글 0 Comments 조회 77 Views 작성일 25-01-20 16:47


With the release of the recent mobile game on the Pokemon trading card game later last year, and of a brand new physical card set called "Prismatic Evolutions" with people lining for it, fighting for it, and even hoarding it in the malls and card shops of different countries, we can safely say that the craze for colorful papers concerning Pokemons is here to stay again. I remember playing with them as a child, and now as an adult, while seeing the huge prizes for those old cards now in great condition, I can say in harmony with other people that I encounter now that I should have taken care of those cards before. Honestly, I jumped on the bandwagon now and started collecting with me learning how to store the rare cards that I pull properly now. I like the hobby for several reasons like the fact that it is nostalgic, having that sudden surge of happiness when pulling a rare card, looking at their beautiful illustrations, and knowing the fact that usually (but must be noted that NOT ALWAYS!) the older they get, their value increases. Anyway, if you feel interested, I highly recommend spending some time on YouTube or online groups first to know the basics of the hobby like knowing if your card is authentic, how it is valued and graded, what cards you can get in a set, and so on. It is better than making some newbie mistakes you may regret later on. Nevertheless, happy collecting!


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